Everyday Buddhism
helping each other along the Bodhi path
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About Dissertations
An Exploration of the Pāli Buddhist Tipiṭaka Using Selected Verses of the Dhammapada
Table of Contents
Ch 1: Introduction
Ch 2.1: Tipiṭaka: Three Perspectives of One Teaching
Ch 2.2: Vinaya, Sutta, and Abhidhamma Orientations
Ch 3.1: Dhammapada Verses 225, 96, 84, 200, 159
Ch 3.2: Dhammapada Verses 141, 110, 123, 1 & 2, 306, 183
Ch 4: Conclusion
Ānanda’s Path to Becoming an Arahat: How He Overcame the Ten Fetters to Attain the Four Stages of Enlightenment
Table of Contents & Intro
Ch 1: Overview
Ch 2: Ānanda in Theravāda Buddhism
Ch 3: The Path of Purification
Ch 4: The Ten Fetters
Ch 5: The Path to Arahatship
Ch 6: Background on Ānanda
Ch 7.1: How He Overcame the First 5 Fetters
Ch 7.2: How He Overcame the Last 5 Fetters
Ch 8: Ānanda the Arahat
Ch 9: Ānanda in the Jātaka Tales
Ch 10: Conclusion
Appendix: Kamma & 10 Fetters // Biblio
Buddhism, Pragmatism, and the Ethics of Experience: Case Studies on Kamma in the Udāna
Table of Contents
Ch 1: Pragmatic Ideas on Human Action
Ch 2: The Buddhist Concept of Kamma
Ch 3: Confronting Violence and Deceit in the Udāna
Ch 4: Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions in the Udāna
Ch 5: Utilizing Lust for Liberation in the Udāna
Ch 6: Experiencing Dhamma-Shock in the Udāna
Ch 7: Handling Householder Hassles in the Udāna
Ch 8: Conclusion
Appendix: The Eighty Suttas of the Udāna
Filial Piety with Chinese Family Teachings
Table of Contents
Ch 1: Introduction
Ch 2.1: Filial Piety in the Chinese Tradition (Confucianism & Taoism)
Ch 2.2: Filial Piety in Chinese Tradition (Buddhism, Syncretism, and the Zhongguo Jia Xun)
Ch 3: Intro to Survey Group
Ch 4: Selected Translations from the Zhongguo Jia Xun
Ch 5: Conclusion
References & Appendices
On the Virtue of Filial Piety
Shuiyue Guanyin in China: The Way of Compassion
Table of Contents
Ch 1: Shuiyue Guanyin: History and Origins
Ch 2: Etymology of Guanyin
Ch 3: The Legend of Miaoshan
Ch 4: Guanyin and the Bodhisattva Ideal
Ch 5: The Role of Guanyin in the Religious Experience
Ch 6: Iconographic Evolution of Shuiyue Guanyin
Ch 7: Iconographic Elements of Shuiyue Guanyin
Ch 8: Shuiyue Guanyin Encomiums
Dynasties, List of Illustrations, Glossary, Bibliography
The Six Pāramitās: Antidotes to Fear
Table of Contents, & Introduction
Ch 1: What is Fear—A Definition of Fear
Ch 2: How We Fear—The Many Manifestations of Fear
Ch 3: What We Fear—Based on the 25 Horrors and Fears
Ch 4: Why We Fear—The Origins of Fear from the Buddhist Perspective
Ch 5.1: Pāramitās (Dāna, Śīla, Kṣānti)
Ch 5.2: Pāramitās (Vīrya, Dhyāna, Prajñā)
Ch 6: The Six Pāramitās—Virtuous Solutions to the Three Poisons
Ch 7: The Six Pāramitās—Antidotes to Fear
Ch 8: Conclusion
Selected Bibliography
The Vinaya of the Living Theravada Buddhist Tradition in the West
Table of Contents
Ch 1: Introduction
Ch 2: The Vinaya Perspective
Ch 3: Historical Development of the Buddhist Monastic Order
Ch 4: The Buddhist Monastic Code—The Vinaya
Ch 5: Basis of the Interview Questions
Ch 6: Analysis and Discussion of the Interview Responses
Ch 7: The Utility of the Vinaya for the Lay
Ch 8: Conclusion
Appendices: Interview Transcripts
Selected Bibliography
Three Jewels: An Integrated Approach
Ch 6: Experiencing Dhamma-Shock in the Udāna